Nikolay Andonov

Hi, I'm Nikolay

Web Developer, Wannabe Doer

Hey there, my name is Nikolay, 31, from Bulgaria. A maker on the web since I was 14. I currently work as a contractor at Pfizer. I am very passionate about development, design, marketing, and basically everything that's more or less part of shipping decent products on the web (and mobile in the recent few years).

I've been using Laravel for all my side projects since 2015. I am an early adopter of Livewire and Alpine.js. Despite the fact that I've started using Vue since v0.12 and have built dozens of projects with it, I instantly switched to Alpine.js for my personal projects from the moment Alpine.js was released. Over the years I had the chance to write production code using few different programming languages but at the end of the day I decided to stick with PHP for now. Yes, people still use PHP in 2025! I am a certified Laravel developer, and building things with Laravel is what brings me most joy.

Feel free to shoot me an email at any time. My address is, whether it's about something specific, or just saying "Hi". I'd love to chat with you!

You can follow me on Twitter where I am not really active recently, but at least you could check out all the Laravel tips I used to share there.